The Didsbury High School Music Program is dedicated to enabling students to achieve excellence in their musical experience in Jazz Bands, Concert Bands and various ensembles under the direction of Kirk Wassmer. All parents and/or guardians of students participating in the DHS Music Program are members of the Didsbury Schools Band Society by virtue of their child's participation in the program. We welcome any member of the community to help during our concerts, whether it is setting up or taking down chairs, moving music stands from the band room into the gymnasium, or loading trucks or trailers of instruments to the TransCanada Theatre, or the airport! Yes, band students also attend festivals from outside our immediate area. Groups from Didsbury High School have travelled to Moose Jaw, Whistler, Victoria, Seattle, Edinburgh, London, Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia and Barcelona to perform and participate in festivals. The Music Program is a tremendous source of pride for the students, school and community.
Contact Name: Kirk Wassmer, Music Director
Contact Email
Location: 1515 - 15th Avenue, Didsbury
Hours / Times Available: Regular school hours
Phone: 403-335-3356
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